martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

Tuesday, May 11th


Hi kids!馃榿


Explicaci贸n del d铆a will start at 8:15馃槈

To start, we are going to work with the senteces you wrote yesterday馃槈

Today is Tuesday, May 11th
The weather is sunny and cold
I am feeling happy :)

Miss Flor´s weekend馃憞

First, I woke up and did my bed
Then, I ate breakfast with my family
Finally, I watched a lot of movies with my daughter

Now write abour YOUR weekend

First, I __________
Then, I __________
Finally, I __________

When you finish send me a picture by email:

Then, we are having virtual classes馃捇

Bubble A at 10:00

Bubble B at 11:00

You will need your English copybook馃摉, your pencil case馃枆✐ and these copies馃憞

See you there!馃槉

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