jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021

Thursday, May 27th


Hi children!馃槉

Today we are going to start working with your Oxford Discover on page 42馃憞

Virtual classes!馃捇

Bubble A at 9:15

Bubble B at 10:20

We will work on page 45 from your Oxford Discover book馃憞

馃搶You will need a white sheet of paper!

Today is Thursday, May 27th

It is a sunny and cold day

I am feeling….

Why and where are you moving?

I am moving to_____ because _________

Are you happy or sad?

I am feeling__________

What will you miss about your home?

I will miss_____________________

What will your new home be like?
My home will be__________________

Send me a picture by email:


That´s all for today!

Love you! Flor

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